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Common Child Injuries in a Car Accident

Luxury baby car seat for safety with happy kid

Car accidents are jarring enough when only adults are involved. When your child is in the car, the experience can be even more terrifying. Children have different protections than adults, including car seats, but they may not benefit from airbags or other safety equipment. Below we discuss some of the common injuries children may suffer in car crashes. Call a knowledgeable Lancaster auto accident lawyer if you or your child have been injured in a car crash in the Antelope Valley.

Head and neck injuries

Injuries to the head and neck are some of the most common injuries resulting from a car accident. Accidents often involve some sort of head trauma, whether the passenger hits their head on the dashboard, the seat, an airbag, or even the street in extreme circumstances. Even a minor rear-end collision can cause neck and spinal injuries such as whiplash. In more serious cases, severe head trauma can lead to skull and brain damage, with potential long-term consequences.

Airbag injuries

Airbags can save your life, but hitting one at high speed is not without consequences. Children younger than 13 or shorter than 4 feet, 9 inches may be hurt more than helped if they are sitting in the front seat and hit an airbag at high speeds. Hitting an airbag can break a child’s nose or even break a small child’s neck.

Glass injuries

Many car crashes will involve a windshield, window, or mirror shattering. Children are liable to be caught by shards of glass, leading to severe lacerations on their faces or other body parts, as well as more serious damage to their eyes, throat, or other vulnerable areas.

Chest injuries

High-impact crashes can injure a child’s chest or torso. Chest injuries may include bruising even in minor crashes; in higher-speed crashes, they can lead to organ damage and internal bleeding. Additionally, tight restraints and contact with the seat in front of them can cause thoracic injuries such as rib fractures and lung injuries. If your child was in a high-impact crash, it is vital to seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure that any internal injuries are identified and treated.


Children can suffer a variety of fractures as a result of a traumatic car crash. Broken hands, fingers, wrists, and arms are common, are fractures to the legs, feet, and even pelvis. Broken jaws or cheekbones may also occur if they hit their face on something hard. Children who are thrown from a vehicle may suffer more serious fractures, including spinal damage.

Get Valuable Legal Help After a Lancaster Car Accident

If a negligent driver in California has injured you or a loved one, contact a seasoned and talented Lancaster car crash attorney about pursuing a claim for damages by calling the Kistler Law Firm at 661-206-6990.

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